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Theron Mouse - Software keeps undetecting and redetecting mouse.


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At first, I just thought that the mouse was freezing randomly. It would keep whatever mouse button was pushed down down while it was frozen. The freezes would occur randomly, sometimes frequently sometimes rarely, and they would last about 1.5 seconds. 


While attempting to fix this I have uninstalled and reinstalled the TTesports software. I then reset all the profiles. While the program was up, a message popped up saying to plug in the device I wish to modify or something like that. The software then restarts. This occurs even when I do not have the software actively running. What I am thinking is that the AP of the mouse is failing and then restarting, but I have no idea how or why.


I have had the mouse for a year or two. I have never had this problem. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks :)


Model Number: MO-TRN006DTM



EDIT: I've found closing the software and locking the mouse seems to be a temporary fix.


Edit 2: and after 2 hours of gameplay now it is back for no reason after changing nothing. sigh.


Edit 3: Should I perhaps just consider purchasing a new mouse? There seems to be no response of any kind. If it's because it's out of warranty that's fine just tell me. I didn't buy it really to begin with, I won it at a gaming event, so I have no idea what the warranty should be on it.

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