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Poseidon Z partly broken, support doesn't answer


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Hey there,


I've messaged the support before, but I didn't get an answer and since I saw some people being helped here I decided to submit my request again.

For about 2 years I've owned my Poseidon Z with blue switches now and was really satisfied with its simplicity and its looks.

But since some time more and more keys dont work properly anymore. The most annoying (and the worst one) is the "." (dot), which often either doesn't register or registers twice, but never does what it's supposed to do; return exactly one character. Same goes for other keys as well such as the "?" (questionmark), "x", "9", "p" etc.... In fact it was really hard for me to write this post since I have to double check every letter.

As I got granted a 5 year warranty on the switches and didn't use the keyboard in any appropriate way (was just laying on my desk) I now want to claim my warranty and get this issue fixed.

I would really love to use this keyboard for a long time.



Fabian R.

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Hi TrouserS, where are you from? You can contact: 


USA / Canada :


Tel: Toll-Free 01-800-988-1088

M-F 9:00AM â€“ 5:30PM (P.S.T)   


Mexico :

Por Email: apoyotecnico@thermaltakeusa.com

Por Telefono: 01-800-823-2606

En el D.F: (55)5648-6715 Atencion de 10:00AM a 6:00PM (P.S.T)   


Asia: cs2@thermaltake.com


Europe:  support@thermaltake.de

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