Hi all,
I just bought my Challenger Prime today. I was so excited to bring it home and try it out. Once i had all the software installed and everything setup, i wanted to assign some macro keys. I started going to the macro settings and clicked the side arrow next to T1. Then, i clicked assign macro and macro manager. When i want to macro manager i clicked new and i couldn't select a T key so i thought the macro select blank space was for a name. I read that you have to enter a name for your macro then hit new. But when i hit new nothing happened... It did stop the typing thing though. So i thought i could start recording. When i clicked start recording it said, "Please select a macro before start record!!" So i tricked clicking on the new macro select i just made but it was still outlined in white and when i pressed it, nothing happened except that it gave me the option to rename the macro (just the blinking thing came back). So i don't know what to do! Help please!!