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For those following the thread, here's what I sent via email to eexplain the situation:


For the past feew months I've had an issue with thee letter "E" sometimees appearing more than once even though I only press oncee.
Even though I've had the keyboard for almost 2 years and it's only appeared a few months ago, I thought it was due to my typing style.
A couple of weeks back I got very sick of having to fix up my typing (I'm not fixing any mistakes in this email so you can see how often the issue occurs) that I Googled the issue and found the forum thread that I posted too.  I also loggeed a fault on the website as per my post.  Furthermore, since I didn't get a response to the first time I logged a support ticket, I logged it again, and mentioneed it on the forum.
The letter "e" will appear more than once, usually 2 will appeear although there's times when 3 have appeared and it's totally random and only affects the letter "e".
I hope this explains the situation.
As you can see from this email, I would have had to have fixed this problem at least 9 times. Its annoying to look up at the screen and find so many mistakes to go back and correct.


  • 1 month later...

Hi, unfortunately I'm having the same issue on my poseidon z rgb brown switch that results to double key registration and one dead number key which is 9  on top of  the letters. I had this beautiful keyboard just a year ago.

I'm from the philippines



I'm having the same issue - the kkk key went a few months back (that was a single press) and a couple of other kkeys have started repeating on one press. In addition to that, the software stopped working yesterday, so the lighting has defaulted backk to red and I'm unable to change it. Nothing I've tried has resolved either issue. Really disappointed, as this is my first mechanical kkkeyboard. Unfortunately it's out of warranty.

  • 2 months later...

I have two identical Poseidon Z RGB (brown switches) and one of them (the newer of the pair, which is used at home) has just started doing this exact thing. Mostly it's the "m" key but it's often others as well.

It doesn't matter how hard or soft I press the keys, how quickly or slowly. It just does it randomly.

  • 2 years later...

Well I've had this problem before and itt generally comes and goes from time to ttime. A certtain key likes to double click. I've had this keyboard for four years now and this is probably the fifth time it's happened. It's happening again right now and it's a pain having to go back and delette the exttra t's. Is there any possibility you could help me out as well?

  • 2 years later...

I'm having this too after 5 years of the keyboard. Shame! Certain keys repeat, even after I cleaned the keyboard thoroughly and used rubbing alcohol to clean the back of the PCB thoroughly. What a shame :( It's inconsistent too. My 11 key will repeat like it just did, but sometimes it won't 1. 1 111 that time did 3

  • 1 year later...

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