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Tower 900


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Hello fellow enthusiasts!

Quick question (for now), one which I hadn't been able to gather on my own by either google, or this forum (where's the search function? I'm blind.. )

With the dual 5.25 bays front center of the case (pic for ref), would it be possible to implement a dual-bay reservoir if I were to cut out

that thin metal spacer between the top and bottom slots? Or, would I not need to cut that out at all (it seems I would?); or

are the dimensions of two slots incompatible with a potential dual-bay reservoir at all?

Looking to build a beast in the future. This case is for certain the one I'm going with, so just getting all pertinent inquiries out of

the way now, so I have all the info I need by the time I'm ready to build - all help is much appreciated!



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