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Everything posted by Teszty66

  1. I pm'd you the debug version of the service.
  2. Thats interesting, Ill test that. Thats even more interesting. If you click on the fan, does it update the speed and rpm in the stats section correctly? Or does it sometimes show all 0 values? I assume you are not running the official software at the same time? Make sure it does not autostart with windows. Also, are you running any hardware monitoring software like aida? I know that new aida added support for riing fans, but it screws with my app and I assume with official one too. Try, v1.4 there was a bug in detecting empty ports, which could explain long startup and missing fans. If this will not work Ill send you a debug version with more logging and will see.
  3. What do you mean it does not start? Like in services.msc it says that the service is not running? The colors change right when the system boots but the fans respond to the curve after 60seconds? So the service starts after those 60seconds right? Anyway, it was just to test if it will still block your other software from working, did it help with that? I think 60C, which is even more retarded because of the temperature spike when cpu boosts for 1-2seconds, which causes tt software to read a temperature which is not really accurate, so the fan speed waves constantly. This is the main reason I made my software. I use rolling average of the temperature over 2.5s (update rate of fan speed) and additionally you can set maximum/minimum change in fan speed to smooth it even more. The only times that this is not beneficial if you run a cpu test or launch game that is cpu intensive on load, because it will get to above 90C before the fans can slowly spin up. Thats why there is the critical temperature config to just force them to 100%. But that rarely happens for me, and you could just change the fan update rate to make it more responsive.
  4. Hmm ok, the only thing I can think of is that the api I use for usb stuff is somehow blocking all other usb devices. Ill try to read on this. In the meantime please try setting the service as "delayed start", it will delay the service for 120 seconds but we will see if this is the problem. The process you see in task manager IS the service, it does not create any other processes.
  5. What do you mean? The service takes long time to start or to shutdown? I dont see why it would block other software. If you want you can try setting startup type of the service to delayed start in "services.msc". For me it starts before login ui shows up, and shutdowns just after logging out. Is your wifi card connected via usb? It is possible. Create a new profile and set its type to "Boot", then when you click save, that profile will be saved to the controller. Note that it only saves manual speed, so you cant save pwm curve to the controller, the service needs to be running for that. Those will be the default settings the controller will be running with when booting the pc while the service is not running. I guess you can just create one boot profile, save, and then disable the service if you want. You can "control + left click" or "shift + left click" to select multiple fans to be included in the profile, or you can just make profiles per fan. Dont forget to save each time you make changes. Nope. Honestly surprised they did not delete the thread I should get around to putting this on github for easier management, maybe after that v2 rewrite.
  6. Hi, cool idea but unfortunately because of how the app is written it would require a big rewrite. Currently everything is applied "manually" when you click the save button, scanning for running processes is a "real time" thing. But I'll keep that in mind, maybe I'll figure a better way. If the new TT app will still be bad I will rewrite my app and add a lot of features.
  7. PM'd debug version of the service for testing. As for riing trio then they are not tested. For sure you will not get full rgb support as I have a limit of 12 leds right now in the app. I can easily add a slider or something to select number of leds. But you could test if one of the zones will respond. I assume trio fan is treated as if it has 30leds and there are no special commands in the controller.
  8. Can you look for more events around the same time? There should be one with a full stacktrace of the exception. Then I will be able to tell you why it wont work and maybe fix it.
  9. The effects that are available are those that are supported in the controller. Any other mode you see in official software is done in the software and not in the controller, and it will use more cpu power. I am thinking about adding custom/software effects, that would enable you to do anything you want with the fans. But I dont know if its worth the effort yet.
  10. You can select multiple leds by holding shift/ctrl like you would select multiple files in explorer. This will apply the color to all the selected leds when updated. You can also select multiple fans the same way to include multiple fans in a profile. Unless you meant copy profile function? I think it should work fine if its connected to the controller and not via usb. I did not see anything in the official software that would indicate different functions for different devices (pumps, fans etc). Does my software detect the pump as a connected fan? If it does you could check the rpm and speed stats, if they are correct I think there will be no problems. Also, on first install of the official software, did it automatically detect a pump on a port or did you have to select it from the device selection dropdown? If it did not detect it, that would mean that there is no difference between devices other than led count. When I was writing the software I thought it would only support riing plus fans, but now it seems it should support every tt rgb plus device. Thats why it defaults to 12 led colors and does not detect that your pump has only 6, but its not a problem if you send more data to the controller. But yeah, you would want to test the app more to use it with a pump, and definitely use pwm profile. Apparently they are rewriting the software from scratch. Could be interesting. edit: v1.3 allows you to install as LocalService account
  11. Oh, yeah windows does not like passwordless accounts. Its a problem in many places. Glad you have it working tho. edit: Dont know if there is a way to make it work without a password, I guess it could run as localsystem account. Ill check.
  12. @DeNIk You enter your windows credentials in the dialog when you are installing. It is the user you want the service to run as. So you would enter ".\DeNIk" as user and your windows password. This dialog pops up from windows and not from my app so you dont have to worry. Also that event log does not help. There should be a few of them there at the same time, and one of them should have a stacktrace from an exception that occurred while the service was loading. That one would be most helpful.
  13. @kewlmunky Try v1.2, it should properly hide unused ports. edit: I think they are just setting each led manually from software instead of using the in controller built in flow mode. I was planning on adding custom mode support but it would be a big change in project structure. Because of the split design the service would need to send all info about custom modes to the gui, the configuration forms would be the worst. But you would be able to write mode "plugins" in c#, which would allow you to make anything you want. Like color based on cpu/gpu temp, time of day, sound or maybe flash the fans when you get discord notification.
  14. Ill use the top comment to post the app and as a changelog. v1.1 should fix all of your problems. I've also added per profile temperature selection, so you can have one profile that uses your gpu temperature and another profile that uses cpu temperature. You should be able to just drag and drop over the last version.
  15. You can add new points by double clicking anywhere on grid, and remove them by double clicking on the point. edit: Also you can double click on the led color to load it to the color selectors. Hmm, I dont think I can do anything about that. The software does not control the modes, it just sends some bytes to the controller telling it to enable specific mode. I bet this is a problem in the official TT software too. If there is no build in sync between controllers even a slight difference in controller's on board clock will eventually cause the effects to be out of sync. Ill look into that. Thats not good, I actually never tested an open port as I have all 5 used. I figured pooling data for an open port will error out, that would cause it not being visible in software. But maybe instead it returns some specific data without error. Ill try to fix this. Thanks for info.
  16. Nice! The reason why it does not detect your temp is because openhardwarelib does not support ryzen. There is an issue on github but its not merged, ill try to merge it and recompile. The fans default to 100% when the temperature sensor is not found, I guess you should still be able to set fan speed manually. Ill change that too.
  17. Can you check if the service is running in services.msc? If not try to start it manually, and if it will fail to start please send me event log. Event log should be in: Event Viewer -> Custom Views -> Administrative Events If its running, you can try to disable firewall for a second. Yes, you can set either a constant speed from 0 to 100% or setup a custom pwm curve. This is per profile but you can assign just one fan to each profile and it will allow you to control each fan separately. It should also work with multiple controllers but I did not test it since I only have one.
  18. Hmm, that should not happen. You can try to enter the account name in this format: ".\account" or "PCNAME\account". So for ex. ".\teszty" or "TESZTY-PC\teszty" You could create the service manually with cmd. Make sure you run cmd as administrator first, then: sc create RiingPlusService start=auto binpath="<path to service>" displayname="Riing Plus Service" It will create the service to run as LocalSystem, you can change the user in the services management. If leave it to run as LocalSystem then you need to check the "Allow service to interact with desktop" checkbox.
  19. Did you try it? Im curious if it works for you.
  20. I have not done much since last post so I guess Ill just post it. Maybe it will work for someone, I have had 0 problems with it so far. Dont know how long it will stay here as it will be probably deleted by TT. Make sure you are not running my program and the official one. They will both stop to work. To install you run "RiingPlus.Service.exe", it will ask you for administrator rights (needed for temperature reading), and follow the prompts. The service will install for the current user and will be set to autostart, but you can change that in windows service manager. To uninstall run it again. Then you run "RiingPlus.Gui.exe" to control the service. If you see a "waiting for service" dialog, the service probably failed to start. You can check why in windows event log. By default your current settings will be left untouched, you have to create a new profile, select fans that will be in that profile and click save. Each fan can only be in one profile of each type. The types are: Normal Boot - when saved will apply fan speed/rgb settings at pc boot, after saving will revert to Normal profile for each fan if present Shutdown - will be applied when service/pc is shutting down There are no error prompts and the app will just revert to correct/previous settings when saving if something is configured incorrectly. By default the temperature update is every 250ms, and fan speed update is every 2500ms. This can be changed in "config.json", not available in gui yet. Ofc I give you no warranty that it will work, or that your pc wont catch on fire. I tested only with one controller with riing plus fans but it *should* work with multiple controllers and fans. If something wont work, ill try to update but dont expect 24/7 support. edit: If you cant download the attachement, try this: <old version>
  21. This is what I have so far: https://i.imgur.com/byIOMpA.png Looks slightly like "programmer art" but it works well. Some more important features: * Split design (service + gui). Small service runs in background and controls the fans so you dont have to have the gui running 24/7 in the tray. Theoretically this allows you to remote control the fans from another pc. * Supports pwm curves per profile * Different profiles for boot/shutdown/normal use * Should support most/all controllers and possibly fans
  22. Just read about sync controller and it seems awesome. So you can also use 3 pwm signals from mb to control 3 groups of fans differently? Honestly this controller should be included with riing plus fans instead. Im quite far into the development of my own software, thanks for pointing that out tho.
  23. New version on github Any issues with new version should be posted on github This version is deprecated and will not be updated, left for archival purposes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- How it looks. Make sure you are not running this program and the official one. They will both stop to work. To install you run "RiingPlus.Service.exe", it will ask you for administrator rights (needed for temperature reading), and then follow the prompts. If installing as custom user enter username as ".\<username>" and your windows password. To uninstall run it again. Then you run "RiingPlus.Gui.exe" to control the service. If you see a "waiting for service" dialog, the service probably failed to start. You can check why in windows event log. By default your current settings will be left untouched, you have to create a new profile, select fans that will be in that profile and click save. Each fan can only be in one profile of each type. The types are: Normal Boot - when saved will apply fan speed/rgb settings at pc boot, after saving will revert to Normal profile for each fan if present Shutdown - will be applied when service/pc is shutting down There are no error prompts and the app will just revert to correct/previous settings when saving if something is configured incorrectly. By default the temperature update is every 250ms, and fan speed update is every 2500ms. This can be changed in "config.json", not available in gui yet. Ofc I give you no warranty that it will work, or that your pc wont catch on fire. You can read posts from people that have it working. If something wont work, ill try to update but dont expect 24/7 support. How to update (service): Stop "Riing Plus Controller" service via "services.msc" or "net stop" Drop new version on top of the old one replacing all files Start the service How to update (GUI): Stop gui if running Drop new version on top of the old one replacing all files Changelog: v1.7: Removed empty port detection as it causes too many issues v1.6: Fix race condition when trying to set the fan to 0% speed in PWM mode Fix fan list sorting v1.5: Add support for mixing many temperature sensors (min/max/avg) This change means you will need to set temperature sensors again for each profile and re-save them. Or you could, while the service is off, edit each line in config.json like this: "TemperatureSensorIdentifier": "<sensor>" to: "TemperatureSensorIdentifiers": ["<sensor>"] Correctly handle pc sleep/hibernate events Fix hanging tasks when service is shutting down Hide disabled config controls v1.4: Fix critical temperature not working Fix detection of empty ports v1.3: Allow installation as LocalService v1.2: Fix detection of unused ports Add "Off" speed mode v1.1: Add ability to set temperature sensor per profile Update openhardwarelib (support for newer intel/amd processors) Fix controller sorting Ignore critical temperature on manual speed mode Backup link RiingPlusController_v1.7.zip
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