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  1. Looks like you're posting with the wrong audience.... you have a 'Core V71'. This thread is for 'View 71'. Different case, different fans, and we have a specific controller included with the case. Try searching for a Core V71 group or posting in a general thread.
  2. Need a little more information about your setup, but I'll assume you're at least using the included Riing fans and controller. As long as you've 1. selected low speed on the physical controller and 2. the system runs fans in low speed after booting into your OS, the controller is working. What you're likely experiencing is the motherboard BIOS sending full PWM signal to all headers during POST. This is normal behaviour for most systems. If it really bothers you that fans run full for a few seconds, My recommendation is read the motherboard manual and look through the BIOS settings to see what control you have available. Otherwise, if it just stays stuck on High after each reboot, you have a faulty controller or PWM from your Motherboard to the controller is whacked out somehow. Could be bad controller / bad cable/ bad header, etc... try different controller, different cable, different header to isolate issue. I know that's easier said than done, but that's troubleshooting 101... isolate the route cause.
  3. No, at least not without some surgery. It could be done , but it's not a turnkey deal. The plastic top and front come off - legs look like they could come off, and it looks like they can be flipped around just based on symmetry of mounting holes. However the interior bottom of the case is solid, the top is open. You'd need to cut out the bottom and transplant in the top (new bottom) and ensure you can get it structurally sound afterwards. If viewing pleasure is all... Would be easier to take the right side glass off, set it down on it's right side and enjoy as a large glass monitor stand or inset into a square cut into your desk
  4. Yes, per most of the product advertising, the CPU is depicted as returning hot liquid back into the pump before hitting a radiator. However, you don't have to set it up as advertised. I think they're just aiming for cleanest look for the pictures. It ultimately boils down to your routing of the tubes and how you want it setup. To get what you're wanting... avoiding hot(ter) water from hitting the pump - Return the CPU's output to a waterway which then runs to a radiator, then back to the pump. Or go GPU, CPU, Rad, distro block. that said, by the time you route it the way you want it, it may not have the same look you were going for. Attaching a pic from someone else's build to illustrate the point. Hope this helps, and good luck
  5. Goodbye ugly white power button 720.mp4
  6. USB ports DOA on a new case... sounds like cable issue or drivers. Check that USB 3.x device is detected by the OS. If it is, try updating the drivers. If it is not, you need to install them or install the chip set drivers for your motherboard If Drivers are good, then you likely have a bad connection somewhere. Check the USB header , then follow the cable to the front and check for loose or severed cable
  7. Finally got my View71 case with Thermaltake Riing's setup (the way they should have been manufactured). This is an awesome case, but the included RGB Riing controller is underwhelming. Which stinks, because I love the look of the original Riing fans better than all the new cheap-toy looking frosted plastic stuff everyone's doing, just my opinion 😁 I ditched their controller and made my own with an arduino Nano driving a TLC5947, controlled via Linux app. The only thing that bothers me now, is the white power button... gotta RGB that up! IMG_3355.MOV IMG_3356.MOV
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