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Tt Shannon

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Tt Shannon last won the day on October 6 2017

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  1. Hi Willpwn09, Best bet is to contact our support team who can help get this resolved for you. Support team can be reached at : ttsupport@thermaltakeusa.com
  2. hi JuggaloCujo, under your integrated peripherals/sata settings you will find the settings per sata port. there will also be a setting for "HOT SWAP" which will have to be enabled or the hot swap function will not work at all. I recommend starting the PC with the drive in the top drive bay so its easier to identify which port it is as ASUS BIOS normally shows the drive name of a installed storage device for each port.
  3. Hey Sparrowhawk, where is your controller connected to for power? some motherboard headers can be a bit more weak and be a limiting factor. if you have one available I woudl recommend trying a 4 Pin PATA (Molex) to fan adapter to test the controller with full 12V being fed to it from the PSU to see if you see the same issue. this would be the first step, if this does nto help then please reach out to our support team and they can assist you with proper assistance on diagnosis and look into replacement if necessary.
  4. Hi sucka, The Core V71 should be able to do it just keep in mind as we have not been able to test every single rad in every configuration. It will most likely be quite a tight fit.
  5. Hi Moocow, sorry for the confusion, it can fit up to a 360 radiator, but due to fitting so many components its hard to list every single model. 240mm in front should be just fine.
  6. Hi CrossUP, welcome to the forums, The Core V1 Snow Edition should be available here in the USA market very soon. This month you should start to see it coming very soon to our etailers.
  7. Hi Choum, Welcome to the forums! As of the time of writing that PSU would have been a more current model which is why it was listed this way. That PSU should not have issues running with the new Intel power states implemented with the Z97 chipset and Haswell based Core series processors.
  8. Hi Hulk!, (Nice name btw) Have you tried switching the cable position on the pins? if on backwards it will not work.
  9. Hi There Dvnoakes, We are targeting for them to hit shortly before the holiday.
  10. Hi There, I think best bet would be to contact our customer support as they can help diagnose and check on availability of replacements for you. you can reach them via email : ttsupport@thermaltakeusa.com Phone 800-988-1088 (M-F 9:00a - 5:30p Pacific Time)
  11. Prices are coming soon should see them arriving around the holidays!
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