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  1. Hi guys, please try the ZX driver I just composed. Please note that this driver is untested since I don't have a ZX keyboard. And this driver is not the same as the Poseidon Z driver in my first post. This driver can only be used on Poseidon ZX. The driver in the first post can only be used on Poseidon Z. As I said, they are distinct products. Driver download: http://cl.ly/2V351b281k39 Please follow the exact same guidance in the first post to install the driver. The only difference is the name of the driver. This driver has the name PoseidonZXUSBHIDDriver.kext. If for any reason the driver fails and the system crashes (which is possible because the driver is not tested and the code runs in the kernel), please follow the 2nd post the recover.
  2. Just give you guys a heads up, I'm working on the ZX driver right now. I've been working on my company stuff for 11x7, hardly had any time to work on this.
  3. Thank you for the information. Is there anyway that you can post original size pictures? Looks like the pictures are resized.
  4. Poseidon ZX is another product. The driver only matches Poseidon Z. I don't have Poseidon ZX, so I will need additional information from you. Currently I'm working on some Linux kernel bug fix, so probably will not have a chance to work on this in a week or so. Please unplug your Poseidon ZX keyboard and launch IORegistryExplorer in the driver package. Plug in your keyboard, you will be able to see some new stuff in IORegistryExplorer in green color. You can refer to the picture below as an example. You won't be able to see TtEsportsUSBHIDDriver because it won't load for Poseidon ZX. You will see "IOUSBHIDDriver" instead. Click on it in the left panel, and you should be seeing "VendorID" as "0x566" in the right panel. If the vendor ID is not 0x566, then you didn't click on the right entry in the left panel. IORegistryExplorer will generate two interfaces for the keyboard. Please send me screenshots (Command+Option+4) for both of the interfaces like the one I took (I only took the screenshot for interface 0, you will need to do it for both). And it would be nice if you can double click on the data of "ReportDecriptor" in the right panel and copy the contents for me so that I don't need to do a manual OCR from the screenshots. One thing I want to mention is that I don't have a Poseidon ZX so I won't be able to test the driver at all.
  5. Please try replacing the Info.plist of the driver with the one here: http://cl.ly/3n1x2L0s2y0G?_ga=1.267692110.1744096441.1388556674 TtEsportsUSBHIDDriver.kext/Contents/Info.plist If TtEsportsUSBHIDDriver.kext exists under /System/Library/Extensions/, you can simply replace the file at that location. Otherwise, you will need to replace the plist inside the driver package and redo the steps in post #1. Remember to restart your machine.
  6. You need to give me the output the command below, and I will create a Info.plist for you to replace inside the driver package. kextstat | grep IOUSBHIDDriver However, remember this thing will be inside Mac OS X kernel. Any small error/incompatibility will crash the whole system. If that happens, you will need to go to post #2 to remove the driver.
  7. As I mentioned, I forced the driver not to load on OS X prior than 10.10. I'm lack of legacy testing platform, and I cannot release something without testing.
  8. I'm glad to know it works for you. And thanks for your feedback, I've added the rebooting to step 0.
  9. Hello, after a review of my write up, I found a missing step. Please refer to step 0 in the first post. You will need to redo all the following steps to get it working. Sorry about the missing step. Let me know if things work for you or not.
  10. Please refer to this post for the driver on Mac OS X 10.10: http://community.thermaltake.com/index.php?/topic/1396-poseidon-z-driver-for-mac-os-x-1010/
  11. More to say, in case of a system crash (which should never happen because I've fully tested), please do the following: 1. Unplug the keyboard and restart the machine. 2. When asked for sending the report to Apple, please choose to take a look at the report details, and post the report to this thread instead. (Apple knows nothing about my driver.) 3. Remove /System/Library/Extensions/TtEsportsUSBHIDDriver.kext (you will be asked for login password). 4. Run Kext Utility.app to rebuild the kernel cache.
  12. Hello everyone, This is not a driver request post. This is an actual driver release/testing post. As some of you might know, TtEsports Poseidon Z keyboard does not work properly on Mac OS X. Symptoms like typing "e" generates "e ", pressing "tab" results in nothing are seen under Mac OS X. I programmed an in-kernel driver for Poseidon Z keyboard to replace the stock IOUSBHIDDriver.kext generic USB keyboard driver for Poseidon keyboard. This driver currently only supports Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite. It's not because it uses any new features of Yosemite. It simply because I have upgraded all my Macintoshes and Hackintoshes to 10.10. I have no testing environment for older Mac OS X systems. This driver only drives Poseidon Z keyboard, even though its name is misleading (TtEsportsUSBHIDDriver.kext). In other works, vendor ID 0x566, product ID 0x3067. To install the driver, I recommend to use Kext Utility.app, which I already include in the download package. Please download the driver package at http://cl.ly/2u2m230n1S35?_ga=1.36054240.1744096441.1388556674first. Please unpack the package, you will find three components: TtEsportsUSBHIDDriver.kext, Kext Utility.app and IORegistryExplorer.app. Follow the steps below to install. 0. Disable the check of driver signatures by using the command below in Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app sudo nvram boot-args=kext-dev-mode=1 It's worth mentioning that this command will need to be rerun after whenever you issue an nvram clear (i.e., Command+Option+P+R during booting). A more permanent solution is editing /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.Boot.plist. Please restart your Mac after this step. 1. Drag "Kext Utility.app" to your Applications folder, and launch it. 2. Type in your login password, and wait until it's done with its work. 3. Drag TtEsportsUSBHIDDriver.kext into the window of Kext Utility, and type in your password again. Wait until it's done. 4. Replug in your Poseidon Z keyboard. If it still doesn't work, reboot your Mac and plug in your keyboard. If your keyboard still doesn't work after the steps above, please launch "IORegistryExplorer.app" and search for "TtEsports". If you cannot find the driver like what is shown on the screenshot, then the driver doesn't work for you, please reply this post. FYI, I'm using a blue switch Poseidon Z.
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