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  1. Deos the command key work for any of you on el capitan ? If it does for you, can you please share the steps with me. For me, Command key does not work
  2. ok, in this another thread, brandonchang had posted a kext to support this keyboard. I have almost everything working except for the "windows" key as the "mac" key. That is a very pivotal key for almost anything in mac. Is there anyway you could help me out with why that's not working ?
  3. Is there a mac driver (el capitan) available for this keyboard from TT ?
  4. I just upgraded to elcapitan, and almost everything is working except for the "cmd" or "mac" key. Is anyone else also facing this issue ? How did you guys get around it ?
  5. Copying Info.plist in /System/Library/Extensions/TtEsportsUSBHIDDriver.kext/Contents/ followed by a restart did work for me. (For anyone else reading this, I needed to copy using sudo) Thanks @brandonchang
  6. kextstat | grep IOUSBHIDDriver 54 3 0xffffff7f80e3e000 0x9000 0x9000 com.apple.iokit.IOUSBHIDDriver (660.4.0) <34 29 5 4 3 1> This is without keyboard connected. Do you want me to connect the keyboard and run it again ? Also, if it's more convenient, we can use github ?
  7. How about you lower the level to Mavericks, and I'll be happy to test it out for you ? So far, in the logs of kext utility, I didn't see anything otherwise.
  8. Hi @brandonchang, I know you mentioned this driver is for Yosemite, however I am still on Mavericks and not in a position to upgrade. I followed the steps you mentioned but it didn't work for me. I followed the steps you mentioned and didn't see any error message with kExt utility. Is there any way to debug this or anything else I can do to make the keyboard work ? Symptoms I am seeing: Backspace/spacebar and some of the other keys aren't working.
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