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Everything posted by Barot

  1. Hello again! I've been very busy with work, so I wasn't able to attend to gaming mouse-related problems Anyways, It's been nearly a month since I've e-mailed the customer service with my last update on things and got no replies at all. BUT! Today something interesting happened. The lock function activated (again) while my mouse was NOT connected to my laptop. I am currently using ONLY my touchpad and the Theron software still keeps locking its functions. And exiting the Theron software stops these lock-unlock streak immediately. I tried multiple times while it was constantly lock-unlocking itself, too. I suppose we can narrow it down to software problems now..? Eagerly awaiting your response
  2. Thanks Josh, I sent an email to cs1@thermaltake.com with updates on my problem.
  3. I live in Istanbul, Turkey. Just to remind you, my mouse has already been to the customer service and back with no solution. I should also add that sometimes I have a notification on my screen that says "LOCK", but it never says "UNLOCK". It keeps locking its functions without even unlocking them first. Adding this to the random cursor speed changes, I highly suspect the Theron software itself. Uninstalling and reinstalling or applying the later fixes on the downloads page didn't work, though.
  4. Hello again. Any progress with the issue?
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8hQ_aH2hSE There you go. I demonstrated "back" button and sensitivity changing buttons having no effects. I double checked on the ttesports theron software whether the functions on these buttons were somehow deleted and/or changed. Nothing. They are all how they should be. Two more things. One, the software sometimes crashes randomly. This didn't use to happen before. Also the "curson speed" (isn't it supposed to be "cursor" though?) randomly increases, but can be reset manually via performance settings.
  6. Actually the problem doesn't "start". It's persistent. It used to randomly lock and unlock but even before I sent my mouse to the customer service, it had already become permanently locked. So if I took a video, it would be 15 seconds of nothing happening with me switching the button between lock and unlock. I'll take one anyway if you insist
  7. Yeah, of course. That switch being on "unlock" but the functions still being locked was the problem in the first place. I even tried locking-unlocking multiple times just to make sure. No effect at all.
  8. Hello again! I had my mouse fixed and returned to me by the authorized service today. I plugged it and everything was back to normal... for approx 45 minutes. After that, same problem occured again. We're back to square one. In similar cases with other hardware, I just go and buy a new one of the same. But I'm afraid the same issue might happen with the next Theron I buy. I'll talk to the customer service and will also try it out on a different pc to confirm this is 100% a hardware problem solely on my current mouse. Could this be a software-related problem? I reinstalled the tt-esports software via the cd that came with the mouse but nothing changed. Also the mouse seems to keep the functional information (profiles etc) internally. Is there any way that I can hard reset the mouse itself?
  9. Josh, I PM'd you my address. I must say I'm very elated with your active support on this.
  10. Hi Josh, thanks for your assistance. I sent an e-mail to the address you've given me 5 days ago and haven't received a reply so far. My mouse is still locked. I'll be waiting.
  11. Hi, I've been using Theron (Model: TRN006DT) for nearly 2 years now and it's been the perfect mouse for me. Sadly, last night it suddenly started to lock and unlock the side buttons functions randomly (just like locking-unlocking via the switch under the mouse) and lock-unlock switch has also became unresponsive. Now it's always locked and I can't seem to unlock it, sometimes it randomly unlocks itself and then locks again. I live in Turkey and got my mouse from Vatan Computer. Any help is appreciated, thanks.
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