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Core P5 and AIO cooler


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Im about to build a new computer into a Core P5.


I know that you guys probably hate it, and that Core P5 isnt "made for AIO" but i was wondering if there is a compatible one out there.

I can see other build using AIO to cool the CPU, and ive done some reseach and most say "just get one with long tubing"


The longest ive been able to find is the Kraken X61 with 400mm of tubing - would that be enough to reach the radiatorslot made availeble in the build?


Does anyone have any experience with AIO systems, that fits the Core P5?


thanks in advance.

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I have the corsair h100i, and I used it for my CPU. caveat to that, tubing is about 300mm, and it would not go all the way across, I have mine perpendicular to the vents. however!... there is stupid crazy open space everywhere. if you can't reach those vents, pop the rad on its side and you have limitless airflow optionspost-99445-0-83296500-1452841792_thumb.jpgpost-99445-0-54962400-1452841891_thumb.jpg

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