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Silence optimized builds anyone?

Tt Andy

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With the sound dampening material built in, would this affect the cooling? I thought with the acoustic foam dissipates amplitudes of the waves into heat. 
I noticed the egg carton shape dampening material on the left. Just wondering if that would dampen or just reflect the sound waves back into the case and actually improve certain properties of the sound.

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Hello CareFactorOver9000, 


Well the sound dampening material built in would slightly effect the temperatures, but the difference is minimal.

The trick would to be to run high quality fans with plenty of airflow

Its really up to the user to weigh in what they prefer in a build and what the build is for. 

For your second question regarding the egg carton shape, it actually works as a dampener with the foam material but at the same time it will help with echo reduction by scattering sound waves using the "egg carton shape"

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