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Kiriup last won the day on October 31 2018

Kiriup had the most liked content!

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Beginner (1/10)



  1. Hi ThermalMike i thought i should give feedback about compatibility of my amd 390x and the riser you suggested. i finally managed to find and buy it on amazon and i am pleased to say that IT WORKS!! this is the 3rd expensive riser that i have tried and its the first to work brilliantly! thank you so much for all your help, if this hadn't worked i was prepared to give up my entire project!
  2. Hey, i really appreciate it that you replied so fast! I decided to try out the premium extender that you recommended. I tried to order it today but i have run into a problem. it actually asks me to pay 140euro for shipping and taxes!!!!! combined with the actual riser that costs 66.25euro it brings my total to 207.27euro!!! Thats just crazy. I live in Cyprus (europe). i used your link which redirected me to https://ttpremium.com/product/tt-premium-pci-e-3-0-extender-300mm when i clicked on buy. The new page automatically found my location correctly. Do you thing i did something wrong or is this kind of shipping to be expected?
  3. Hi ThermalMike i would like to ask you a question about something you said a while ago in this thread and i hope you can help me! You said: "Going to be honest with you, the 390X will likely not work, it has been one of the cards I have seen little success with when using a riser cable. Even those $100+ 3M cables dont work, it the way the card is designed and how the power is delivered.". I have a 390x and recently i bought 2 different non-thermaltake risers (40cm long). They are expensive risers about 60euro each! Neither of them works, they work in windows but the GPU driver crashes when i try to play games or run benchmarks. So since years have passed and (i hope) riser tech has been improved, my question is: does what you said still stand and i should stop spending money on this or is there a thermaltake riser (30cm long minimum) that you can recommend for me to buy that should work with my 390x?? Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer
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