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Fabio Moma

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Everything posted by Fabio Moma

  1. Hey guys! I'm here to share with you a little bit of Japan. I created the profiles with the intention of showing a little Japanese culture, and making your computer very elegant. the concept was : Spring : Sakura : HANABI (Fireworks) : MATSURI ( Festival ) : MIKU MIKU ( HATSUNE MIKU ) : HIMAWARI (sunflower) and HINOMARU JAPAN (Japan flag) I hope you guys and girls like the concept. thanks! Fabio Moma 日本の皆様、コミュニティを見に来てくれてありがとうございます! 久々の大会出場ではございます。 また、今回はPCのMODではなく、RGB DIYという異例な大会となっております。 今回の作品は15個のプロファイルとなっておりますが、1つ1つ心を込めて作成させて頂きました。 一部のプロファイルを除き、ほとんどのプロファイルを日本をイメージして作り上げたものです。 こんな風にイメージを思い浮かべながらカラー変更を見て頂くと伝わりやすいと思います。 1. 春に咲く美しい桜 2.卒業式を迎える時期に落ちる桜の花びら 3.賑やかな日本の夏祭り 4.夏の夜に輝く打ち上げ花火 5.日本生まれ日本育ちの初音ミクちゃんが出てきそうなカラー 6.忘れてはいけない日本の日の丸国旗 7.北海道や各地で広がるひまわり畑 ほかにもいくつもありますが、こんな感じでイメージをして頂けると嬉しいです。 気に入っていただけたら嬉しいですので投票お願いします!
  2. My vote goes to Irie Ahmad . Maybe two computers is an exaggeration. But this is the criterion of each one. i think, he have an interesting concept. And that Model that can be copied and help others people for looking A proper table for a gaming station. sure,Everyone has done a great job.
  3. final picture! here is my MOD COLOSSUS X !! I hope you enjoy !!
  4. Hi Guys. little update for all ~ is already reaching the limit of time ... it is happening very fast for all of us. I hope to finish in time, and that you all have fun with this event. PSU Cover New painting for ASUS mobo !
  5. New UP's . LED's Work is Japanese Culture ! there's no way ... haha Hello ~ X-Zone Japan Modder Community !! Yeah ~!! LED'S ON !! ]
  6. Yeah ! 90% I work alone .. it is difficult but I will do everything possible! thank you Sr. !
  7. a little updates ! internal and external . I hope you enjoy! PUMP & PSU Plate and Side Panel mirrored ~
  8. New parts!! ready for mounting! Thank's for Support Kingston HYPER X SAVAGE SSD ! Thermaltake Pacific V-GTX for ASUS Strix GTX980 Water Block's ASUS Z97 MAXIMUS VII FORMULA ! ASUS GTX980 OC STRIX thank you for follow me
  9. Hello Guys !! I'm updating some news here! [ AVEXIR é›·é›» RAIDEN SERIES ] Thank you for Support AVEXIR ! ( Acrylic MOBO Plate! ) ( modifying the PSU support Plate )
  10. Hello Guys ! My Name is Fabio Moma . I am Brazilian and descendant of Japanese. I live in Japan to 24 years. I love Japan, Brazil and the CaseMod world . First and an honor to be here representing Japan. And I thank the sponsors who are giving me all the support. thank you. ( X-Zone CaseMod Community of Japan ) And I thank all who are watching and following my work here in this forum. thank you. My project theme is based on the comic book heroes. ( X-Men ) but the focus will be more on a character that attracted me a lot and stands out in my project. The name of my project is ( COLOSSUS X ) . just wanted to make it clear to all of you, that this project will not have the real face of the character, much less all the power he possesses. hehe .. will have the characteristic of the history, will have the characteristic of somewhere Place . (will the imagination of each one of you) I'will be doing better. I hope you all enjoy and enjoy yourselves at all times of every update. System Case - Thermaltake Core X9 X2 CPU - Intel Core i7-4770K Motherboard - ASUS MAXIMUS VII FORMULA Memory - AVEXIR RAIDEN SERIES 16GB 1600MHz Kit PLASMA Graphic Card - ASUS GTX 980 STRIX 4GB DDR5 X2 SSD - Kingston HyperX 120GB SAVAGE x2 Power Supply - Thermaltake Toughpower Grand 1200W Platinum Fans - Thermaltake Riing Fans Fan Controllor - Tt commander FT Fan Hub - Commander FX Cooling - All Component water cooling system by Thermaltake LCS. Thank you
  11. Hi All ! im sorry for deley for new up's ! this mod was completed yesterday. and tomorrow'll be in the sponsored event Thermaltake here in Japan. on the internal monitor goes some pictures of the sponsors and some scenes of the movie. i hope you enjoy Special Thanks to Thermaltake / AVEXIR / MSI / X-Zone JP
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