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TT RGB Plus Bugs


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I just build my new PC with many Thermaltake products.

I have 3 controllers for 8 Riing Plus Fans, D5 Pump, W4 Plus Cpu Cooler, Rad 360 Leds and some RGB Fittings.

Sadly when I go into my TT RGB Plus software there is a bug:

  1. when I switch to other controllers or this RGB synchronization button, after some time the software automatically switches back to controller 1
    - this is extreme annoying when switching settings for parts in controller 2 or 3...
    - I already tried replacing the controllers or changing there order with the 0, 1, 2, 3 switches on the controllers, did not work
  2. everytime I start up my system the RAD360 Leds and the W4 Plus are switched off in the RGB Plus software, so I have to activate them everytime again
    - save button does not seem to store this information for the next start up

Does someone know a fix for these issues?

Overall the software and setting up the Leds works. I sometimes also have the issue, that the settings between parts of controller one and two are synchronized, but I guess that is some failure on my side, maybe I accidentally coupled the settings of the devices?

Thanks for any help!  


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