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Riing Plus Premium (Errror Code:H_0x0001)?


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I got the same issue when I connected my three fans and pump. I called up Thermaltake and they assured me everything was connected correctly on my motherboard and so on. They suggested that I did a RMA and guess what it's now fixed. They mailed me a brand new fan controller and I just remove the old one, swapped it with new one and I used the same old cables that came with defective fan controller and everything now works like a charm.


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I got the same issue when I connected my three fans and pump. I called up Thermaltake and they assured me everything was connected correctly on my motherboard and so on. They suggested that I did a RMA and guess what it's now fixed. They mailed me a brand new fan controller and I just remove the old one, swapped it with new one and I used the same old cables that came with defective fan controller and everything now works like a charm.


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  • 9 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/3/2018 at 3:49 PM, KLU said:

It looks like the update to V 1.2.3 fixed the "Error Code:H_0x0001" problem. Fans are working OK a few days in a row now.
If anything changes, I will let you all know. 

It's been over a week and I haven't got this error anymore. Good job Thermaltake, it was really annoying!
One thing  though - the fan lights are not "moving" when you wake your computer from sleep.

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  • 1 month later...

Need some help. Desperate at this point. I have this same problem with the TT RGB Plus software, and or the Ring RGB Tt Premium Edition software. The software will not load/run at all. I get an error code that reads exactly this "Could not find Fan Controller, please check the Fan Controller is connected. (Error Code:H_0x0001)". I have read through pretty much all of the forums and information that I can find online with no success, searched reddit, youtube etc.... I have uninstalled and reinstalled all the versions of this software I can find. I have replaced the controller 3 times. I have rewired and reconfigured the how the fans are plugged in to the controller several times, as well as the USB power port on the motherboard. I have tried every solution I can find posted here by others with similar or the same problem with no success. I am not sure what to do at this point. I have several of these fans in my case. They are all brand new. All the fans work and the colors are controllable via my motherboard software that is built into the Gigabyte Aorus which is called "RGB Fusion", but not to the degree that your software should be able to do. I have even uninstalled that with hopes that somehow it was taking precedent over the TT software but that did not work either. The software Thermaltake provides is far superior in terms of customization and is really what I bought these for. I have tried for almost 3 months to figure this out on my own and I am stuck. I am outside of my return window for the products now so I obviously can't get my money back. I really want this to work as the fans are beautiful in the limited state that I have them in now. I just want to take advantage of the full potential. I have listed my system in detail below. Thanks for any help you can provide.

System Specs:

  - Gigabyte Aorus Z370 Gaming 7 Board
  - Intel I-7 Coffee Lake 9700K 8 Core CPU
  - Asus ROG Strix 1070i GPU
  - 64Gb of G skill RAM
- Cooling
  - 1x Thermaltake Floe Triple Riing RGB 360 TT Premium Edition on my GPU
  - 2x Thermaltake Riing Plus 20 RGB TT Premium Edition 200mm fans in front
  - 2x Thermaltake Riing Plus 20 RGB TT Premium Edition 120mm fans one bottom, one rear  
  - Power is all run by a Thermaltake 750W RGB modular power supply
  - Case is Thermaltake View 37 RGB E-ATX Mid Tower Gaming Computer Case

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay Brethren. My issue has been resolved, thank ####. I must provide an update on what happened. If you read my post from 11/28 you get an idea of where I was at. I was completely stuck. 

I emailed support and they sent me a replacement pretty quickly. From the time I submitted a RMA request it was probably 1 week. So excellent service on Thermaltakes part here.

Personally I think that there was an issue with the on board RGB control with my Gigabyte board taking precedence over the TT controller software. The controller I was using was the TT premium addition which is the one with 9 ports on it, not the one that comes typically with the devices that has 5 ports on it. I went and bought it separately because i have 7 fans, and figured just wire them all to one controller rather than daisy chaining additional controllers together. Well, Thermaltake sent me a new one which is one of the 5 port ones that typically comes with the devices you would buy from them like the cooler or fan packs. I was confused because thats not what I had asked for. I figured I would at least test it because the connections to the mother board used a USB connection on the 5 port controller rather than the PWM and DLED RGB connection for the 9 port box that I previous had wired up. 

What do you know? It worked. The TT controller software worked without fail. I said to myself "son of a b*tch..." because I had put the one that came with the liquid CPU cooler I bought in the box and put it in the attic. I didn't attempt to hook it up the first time because I needed more than 5 ports to support all the fans I had. When I originally did the install I saw the 9 port at Fry's and thought it was the same and I could save space. Nope....

So since it was working I tested all the features of the software and its working beautifully. Alas, I have daisy chained the controller thermaltake sent me to the one that came with my CPU cooler to allow for all my fans to be plugged in, set the dip switches so it knows there are two modules and boom! All is well here. Finally.... 

I know this may not be a solution for all but I digress back to my thought about the motherboard software taking precedents over the TT software. The TT premium controller I had with the 9 ports required a PWM connection which allowed the motherboard to take control over the function. With the default controller that has 5 ports it uses just a standard USB connection which I think just supplied the power and a signal that the TT software was able to pick up and see.

So if you have some kind of onboard RGB control like my gigabyte does, that may be the problem. Try hooking it up with the standard controller just using the molex power and the supplied usb to mini usb that comes with it. 


Cheers and Thank you Thermaltake.

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  • 4 months later...

there is a fan controller and a sync controller.......2 separate controllers.

the fan controller comes with riing fans that uses a usb interface cable.....the sync controller does not come with the usb interface cable.

the fan controller with usb interface utilizes the riing software.

the sync controller utilizes the rgb header on the motherboard to control the color patterns through the motherboard manufacturers software.

2 separate things.

i hope this helps.


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  • 2 months later...

Same problem here. Nothing works. Fans are running super slow, my storage is getting hot, and cuz i can't control anything the rgb is also running ugly af

In the fan package says the program is Riing Plus RGB TT Premium Edition. That software is nowhere to be found and only the regular TT RGB Plus which spills out the same annoying error. I'll prob have to spend outta pocket and get LL140 from Corsair cuz this nightmare doesn't look that will end.

@Sulli4va Would you be so kind as to upload the installer of your TT software or provide a working link from where you got it from? Or anyone out here that knows how to get it so i can finally have these fans working as they should for the love of everything that is holy

Anyway, anybody, send some help

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3 hours ago, bmoneysonny420 said:

Make sure everything is plugged in correctly. Double and triple check. Then if all else fails, try swapping the mobo. That is what my issue turned out to be. 

I lost count how many times i checked i can barely stand looking at that controller without getting slightly p1ssed off
My mobo is a brand new z390 Godlike plus i also had the same problem with a RVE10 prior of changing to 1151 platform
Both high-end mobos, there's no way anything's wrong with them
I'm gonna call it quits and get some Corsair LL
I love the TT case i bought, very pretty, spacious, worth every penny
But their case fans? jesus lord mercy what a nightmare, wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy
Its even worse cuz due to my country's economy i paid a lot for those fans, around $370 bucks
Living and learning i guess

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  • 1 month later...

Having the same issue. I wound up taking the sync controller and soldering the vcc, com, and grnd to the sync controller board to control it with a switch controller. Its really annoying that i cant use the software, not a HUGE deal but it would have been nice. I have a very old mobo DH67GD but it has onboard USB headers. Ill figure it out sometime this week and update. I ran out of time so this was my only option as a work around. 

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
22 hours ago, Giannis Tasounidis said:

I have 3 controllers with 5 riing Plus fans and suddenly none of them working. Try everything above and still the same problem.


Look to see if the Micro-USB is pressing into the controller with enough depth to make a reliable connection.  The TT controllers case seems to not permit the Micro USB plug to fully and reliable make that connection.  I had to take the supplied mother board USB to micro USB cable and cut the plastic around the micro connector, so that it fits into the controller tightly.  Try wiggling the MicroUSB, pushing it in tight, does the error go away.  IF the USB cuts in and out you should here the Windows USB connection chime,.   So far this has worked for my two controllers.

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  • 3 weeks later...


I didn't read this all but I have the same issue. A solution I have found is to unplug the power cable that's directly connected to the motherboard. I unplug it from the controller while the computer is still on (which yes, I know it can cause them to short circut, but nothing else works for me and it's been fine so far). 

For me, the reason it gives me the error code is if I've disconnected the power (either from the psu or wall socket) or if I haven't turned it on for a while. 


Hopefully this helps, seems to me that it's a compatibility problem with Windows 10.


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  • 1 year later...
On 8/31/2017 at 9:27 PM, TZero said:

I would like to give an opinion.

Try to do the following:

1- Unplug the control and Uninstall the program completely

2 - Restart Win10 and run CCleaner to clear the registry

3- Enter the Device Manager and delete all the USBs that are not being used

4- Run the CCleaner again

5- Restart Win10

6- Install the program (without connecting the control) with Administrator Privileges

7- Turn off the PC

8- Plug control into an internal USB

9- Restart Win10

If it does not work, try this:

5- Turn off the PC

6- Connect the control to an internal USB

7- Restart or Win10

8- Install the program (with the control connected) with Administrative Privileges


See if it works

This seems to me the same problem that some iPhones have with USB

This worked for me when nothing else would.  Serious props to TZero!!!

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  • 1 year later...

Solution!!! And it's working. Need a USB-to-Usb Micro cable. You connect USB to 3.0 on the case / back of the motherboard, connect the other to the controller. The controller is initialized in the software, fully functioning and continues to work even at maximum CPU/GPU loads. The disadvantage of this method is only the external connection leading to the housing.

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