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VENTUS Z sensor stop working suddenly


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I own a Ventus Z mice, with the Avago sensor, pretty nice sensor it feels like an optical in all regards, I have the mouse for 6 months as my main for gaming.

However, days a go, while I was in a middle of a game the sensor stop working, wasn't responding and stuck in a jitter. I didn't know what happen, so I unplugged and plug back in, the problem keeps happening, so I tap around the sensor lens (no directly) and start to work again.

 I play at 3900 dpi, but very low ingame sensitivity so I pick up the mouse from the pad quite often. After this incident, happen again and fix it with the same knocking with the finger tips around the sensor... then however I felt like the dpi sensitivy has changed.

So, I went to the Commander Software and the sensitivity was still at 3900 but it felts very sluggish, I have to ramp up to 4300 to have the same 360 turn on FPS games, meaning the same sensitivity/control before the sensor issue.

There is no sensor rattle I can hear on the mouse.

Any help support will be much appreciated. 

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