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Your Name:   Marco Di Silvestre

Modding Brand / Media Name:   MPC

Facebook Link:   https://www.facebook.com/MPC-Project-1682207445392715/?eid=ARDMMzvq45vGqME22FWF4tsdhcYHuJ6SORQJgF6QTmatvgDq6TU57AK_g1i_dzOYhKVtYTilQ4Kl7tm4

Youtube Channel Link:    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZWbWOMcqwEfKGyun-Geuqg?view_as=subscriber

Twitter : MPC Project (@MPC_Project) https://twitter.com/MPC_Project?s=03

 Instagram : mpcproject  https://www.instagram.com/mpcproject/


Previous projects/build logs:

·         THE STAGE COACH WELLS FARGO : https://www.overclock.net/forum/362-sponsored-builds-case-mods/1578908-sponsored-stage-coach-wells-fargo-mpc.html


·         THE TIME : https://linustechtips.com/main/topic/733666-the-time/


·         THE ICE WALL : https://linustechtips.com/main/topic/853849-the-ice-wall/


·         MPC STATION LAUNCH : https://linustechtips.com/main/topic/924114-mpc-station-launch/


·         THE TOMBSTONE : https://linustechtips.com/main/topic/968069-the-tombstone/


·         THE PLAGUE DOCTOR : https://community.thermaltake.com/index.php?/topic/79346-the-plague-doctor/


Total fans: 75K


Why do you think you should be the next TT Talent ? :

I am Marco, Italian modder. I have been using my wits and passion to build in the modding field for the past 4 years. For this passion I have equipped myself with industrial machinery that I use exclusively for this purpose.

You produce most of all components   and you are fast to provide it, so it is a real pleasure and fun to work  with you, guys! 

So for  Modder like me with a big fantasy, nothing else to do but align my talent and dreams, with amazing Thermaltake components.






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