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Welcome to the System build thread! 


In the system builds section of the forum you can share photos of your rig, build logs or even come here to ask questions regarding system builds! 


Please take a minute to read the rules


Tt community forums are a place where people can interact and have discussions about several different topics. However, we ask that you follow these simple guidelines to ensure that the forums have some productive conversation. These rules and guidelines are enforced by administrators and moderators, and at their discretion, may delete posts without warning that do not comply. Also, failure to comply with these rules may result in a ban from the forums or the entire site!


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Thank you for your cooperation and have fun :)

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  • 2 years later...
  • 10 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Hello. This is great, can't believe there is a site like this. I just bought a View 71 case, and I'd like to ask a few beginners questions if there is an area for that. I just need some advice before I pull the parts in a current cybertron case to put in my 71. The layout is pretty simple, but any steps in the process regarding the HDD and GPU mostly

would help. I'm just going to learn by doing and if I mess it up, I'll try again...with more help. Thanks!

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  • 3 months later...

Tt community forums are a place where people can interact and have discussions about several different topics. However, we ask that you follow these simple guidelines to ensure that the forums have some productive conversation. These rules and guidelines are enforced by administrators and moderators, and at their discretion, may delete posts without warning that do not comply. Also, failure to comply with these rules may result in a ban from the forums or the entire site!

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

hi everybody id just like to say hello. im charl from south wales UK.

Ive been building riggs for folk for near 30 years but am now just doing the hobby thing .

heres my own riggs 

workshop 7700k 1080 built in 2017


and my VR rigg 3900x and 2080 P5 i built in 2020.



im not planning on building anything for myself untill gpus come down in price so i may have a long wait.



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Welcome! While your greeting is appreciated, let's address your need for nursing dissertation help. Crafting a dissertation in nursing requires specialized knowledge, thorough research, and proficient writing skills. Seek reputable online platforms offering nursing dissertation assistance, ensuring they provide personalized support, experienced writers, and original content tailored to your topic. By prioritizing quality assistance, you'll ensure the success of your nursing dissertation and achieve academic excellence. Remember, reliable help is available to guide you through your dissertation effectively, meeting your specific needs and requirements in the field of nursing.

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