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  1. Like
    dO_ob got a reaction from Bumbarash in [China] Icewolf Chen   
    Here are some shots of the design

  2. Like
    dO_ob got a reaction from voidfahrenheit in [China] Icewolf Chen   
    Here are some shots of the design

  3. Like
    dO_ob got a reaction from hotcoolman in [China] Icewolf Chen   
    Here are some shots of the design

  4. Like
    dO_ob got a reaction from generic cialis in 3dMark is 50% off on steam!!   
    3dmark is 50% off on steam!! time to bench our rigs!!
  5. Like
    dO_ob got a reaction from JeremybbDon in 3dMark is 50% off on steam!!   
    3dmark is 50% off on steam!! time to bench our rigs!!
  6. Like
    dO_ob got a reaction from eqeqeqe in 3dMark is 50% off on steam!!   
    3dmark is 50% off on steam!! time to bench our rigs!!
  7. Like
    dO_ob got a reaction from Richardsaky in Anyone playing mobile/tablet games?   
    I know this is a PC forum but anyone play mobile/tablet games ?
  8. Like
    dO_ob got a reaction from EkbergDOF in [France] Mathieu Delsuc (MathMilitaryModding)   
    I love how clean this build is !! 
  9. Like
    dO_ob got a reaction from Richi in [United Kingdom] Richi Bowzer   
    oo sexy build!
  10. Like
    dO_ob got a reaction from MathMilitary in [France] Mathieu Delsuc (MathMilitaryModding)   
    I love how clean this build is !! 
  11. Like
    dO_ob got a reaction from bundymania in [Germany] Andy Weber (Bundymania)   
    Go Yeti !! 
  12. Like
    dO_ob got a reaction from Richi in Project F1 Dream - Lvl 10 Ltd Edition Titanium   
    Great Job!, looking forward to seeing the rest of it
  13. Like
    dO_ob reacted to STUART_GGF in [Australia] Stuart Tonks   
    Video covering the Toughpower Grand Platinum 1200W I'll be using in the build

  14. Like
    dO_ob reacted to STUART_GGF in [Australia] Stuart Tonks   
    Some shots of the Toughpower Grand Platinum 1200W. man this thing is nice







    Motherboard shots




  15. Like
    dO_ob reacted to STUART_GGF in [Australia] Stuart Tonks   
    Here's a few shots of some of the gear so far.















  16. Like
    dO_ob reacted to STUART_GGF in [Australia] Stuart Tonks   
    Hi guys and welcome to my build log. My name is Stuart and I'm the owner of GGF. First off I'd like to thank Thermaltake for selecting me for this global invitational competition.  Now lets jump in and see the wonderful sponsors who are supporting me in my Double X Project. Just a note to add that I'm still talking with unconfirmed sponsors and will add these up later.

    Playing host to this competition. We aimed to keep everything Thermaltake as much as possible. This included the required Thermaltake gear including Case and Cooling. We also opted for Thermaltake PSU and Riing fans.

    When it comes to Motherboards and Video Cards Asus is always our number one choice. The flexibility and endless support they provide make it that much easier to build customisations.

    Having Asus on-board is only part of the process. With NVIDIA's support we wouldn't have the foundation for the video cards being used in the build.

    A hardcore build needs hardcore memory. Avexir makes some of the best looking memory around. They are provided a HUGE 64GB Raiden kit for this project.

    As SSDs are becoming the norm. Most people are forgetting the good old Hard Drive. We haven't forgot which is why we use hard drives in most of our builds. Including this one. WD also provide the largest range of drives for just about every purpose.

    ModGuru are relatively new to the scene and we're happy to have them on-board. ModGuru are helping to supply LED strips and connectors for the build.
    100% of this build is performed by me. Painting, cutting, drilling, all done in my house, either in the garage, backyard or shed. I'll be putting up a final write-up once the build is done with pictures of the tools used for my build. I feel the purpose of this project and competition is tell help close the gap between modders and beginners. I'll be showing you that you don't need thousands of dollars worth of high end equipment to do modding.
    Other links to keep an eye on
    Build and product videos
    Build and product gallery
    Build Specs/Hardware - More info - click here
    CPU/s - 2x Intel Xeon e5-2667s
    Motherboard - ASUS Z9PE-D8 WS
    Memory - 64GB Avexir Raiden
    SSDs - 3x Kingston HyperX
    Storage (HDDs) 3 or 2 Western Digital 4TB Blacks
    Power Supply - Thermaltake Toughpower Grand 1200W Platinum
    Fans - Thermaltake Riing Fans x22
    Water Cooling 
    Pacific VGA Bridge Triple x1 Pacific V-GTX Block - STRIX - 980 x3 Thermaltake Pacific W2 CPU Water Block x2 Thermaltake Pacific PT40-D5 Silent Kit Reservoir/Pump Combo x2 Thermaltake Pacific P1 Black D5 Pump w/ Silent Kit x2  Thermaltake Hard tubes 500mm x10   Fittings   Thermaltake Pacific G1/4 Stop Plug w/ O-Ring – Chrome x10 Thermaltake Pacific G1/4 45 & 90 Degree Adapter – Chrome x10 Thermaltake Pacific G1/4 90 Degree Adapter - Chrome x10 Thermaltake Pacific G1/4 Y Adapter - Chrome x10 Thermaltake Pacific G1/4 Female to Male 20mm Extender – Chrome x6 Thermaltake Pacific G1/4 Female to Male 30mm Extender – Chrome x4 Thermaltake Pacific G1/4 Hard Tube 16mm x30   Radiators Thermaltake Pacific RL480 x4    
    I've created a dedicated website for this competition. This is to keep everything in one place. On the site you'll find videos, pictures, build info, build log and more. - www.ggflan.com/tt/

    Other links to keep an eye on
    Build and product videos
    Build and product gallery
  17. Like
    dO_ob reacted to Dirty South PC Mods in [USA] Nick Blackwell   
    Spy vs Spy


    The Following was obtained from the History section of the Spy vs Spy Headquarters.
    Simple yet meaningful is one way to describe the wordless black and white comic strip that makes up Spy vs. Spy. The cartoon created in 1960 by Antonio Prohías, depicts the antics of two distinctly different yet similar spies who try to get the best of each other with clever yet strange schemes of espionage and deception.

    Published in Mad magazine since 1961, Prohías began working on Spy vs. Spy in Cuban, but fled to the United States in 1960 just days before Fidel Castro took over the last Cuban free press.  When Prohías came to the United States he knew almost no English, but Mad magazine readers and editors quick accepted him and loved his work.
    Before he got the job at Mad, he worked in Queens at a clothing factory by day and drew by night in his cramped apartment.  His earlier works “Erizo,†“Oveja Negra,†“El Hombre Siniestro,†and “Tovarich†would not work in his new country where the idea of communism was not as prevalent or well taken by pleasure readers. In Cuba if you were not a supporter of Castro you were considered a spy, and this is where he got the idea.  Prohías considered himself a spy and thus the idea was born.

    Prohías submitted his rough pencil concept and design sketches to MAD’s editors on normal 8.5 x 11 paper and would latter redraw the entire carton twice the size for reproduction  in the magazine.  He would go through the comic strip with pain staking detail and make sure all edges and lines were detailed in his dark bold pen and would almost never ink over his pencil drawings. 

    Spy vs. Spy is now a national icon, symbolic of the Cold War representing good and evil and the struggle for equilibrium.  Prohías would stealthily sign each of his Spy vs. Spy cartoons under the title panel, in Morse code, which spelled out the words "by prohias."  This is one of the most overlooked details in his work. -••• -•-- •--• •-• --- •••• •• •- •••
    Antonio Prohías passed away February 24, 1998.  His masterpiece concept of the two spies battling it out lives on in the continuing work done by his successor Peter Kuper.

    This project is sponsored by the good folks at.


    Also brought to you by




    And last but certainly not least. 

    Case - Thermaltake Core X9 x 2
    Motherboard - EVGA Z97 FTW (Gaming System), EVGA Z97 FTW (Server)
    CPU - Intel i5 4670K (Gaming), Intel G3258 (Server)
    Ram - 4 x 4Gb G.Skill Ripjaws (8Gb per system)
    PSU - 1 x 550w DPS G Modular PSU, 1 x 750w DPS G Modular PSU
    GPU - 2 x ASUS Strix GTX 970  
    SSD - 2 x 240 Gb Crucial M500 240Gb
    HDD - 4 x 500 Gb in Raid 0
    CPU Block - Pacific W1 x 2
    GPU Block - Pacific Strix Water block x 2
    Radiator - Pacific RL 480 x 4
    Pump - Pacific P1 D5 Pump /w Silent Kit x 2
    Reservoir - Pacific T33 x 3
    Cables - Custom Sleeved Cables Sleeving supplies courtesy of Sanctum Sleeving
    LEDs - BSMods 5050 RGB LED 16.5ft Strip /w wireless remote.
    The whole idea is to put two complete systems in here all cooled with one large liquid cooling system.

    The first shipment of parts has arrived. 2 x Core X9 Cases, 2 x Commander FX 10 port fan hub, 1 x 550w DPS G Modular PSU and 1 x 750w DPS G Modular PSU.

    To give you an idea of the size of the double stacked X9. On the left of this pic is the chassis from a Thermaltake A-71 Full Tower. Each Core X9 is 1 inch taller and twice as wide.

    Here we have One intact X9 and one completely disassembled.



    The Core X9 has this built in plate that can be removed from the bottom panel so you can install a massive radiator in push/pull. However this is not going to work for what I have planned. For what I want to do the entire floor has to be cut out.

    Remember kids always use proper safety gear when working with power tools and hazardous chemicals. It doesn't matter how careful you are. Things Happen.

    The bottom of the top X9 has been cut out. 

    Now after stacking up two empty X9 cases and lifting them both a couple times I quickly realized that once all the hardware and coolant has been added this thing is going to be extremely heavy. Therefore I am going to add casters. Each caster is rated at 150lbs.

    Yesss much better.

    The rest of the gear from Thermaltake has arrived.


    EVGA sent two gorgeous Z97 FTW boards for our project.

    Time to get these bad boys fired up on the test benches.

    Alright Time to get started on the prep work for our paint.

    This is what your case should look like after your preliminary sanding...Do not take it down to the bare metal.....Just take the shine off of it. it should look dusty like its been sitting there for a while.

    Two of the rads are getting prepped for paint. They are going to be painted white.

    Time to get started on cutting the Motherboard mounting plates ready for the Floating Motherboards.

    Remember kids always wear the proper safety gear when working with power tools or hazardous chemicals. We don;t wear safety gear because we are not careful. We wear it for the things we can't control. (#### Happens!)

    After the plates have been cut this is all that's left of them. Just enough to hold it in place.


    And there we have it a Floating Motherboard.
    Alright time to start shooting some paint.

    I was worried that the additional white would not work well with the light ring...Glad to see I was wrong. It really makes the light pop.
    While I waited for the paint to dry I got started on the sleeving.

    I have two PSU's to sleeve. This 750w DPS G and another 550w DPS G.

    Going to be using some Telios Sleeving from Mainframe Customs(http://mainframecustom.com/) Provided to me by the guys over at Sanctum Sleeving(http://sanctumsleeving.com/)

    The double wire didn't quite come out as well as I hoped. Still not too bad.

    One 24-pin down a hundred more wires to go.
  18. Like
    dO_ob reacted to bundymania in [Germany] Andy Weber (Bundymania)   
    Laser etched ice crystals

  19. Like
    dO_ob reacted to Fabio Moma in [Japan] Fabio Moma   
    Hello Guys !!  I'm updating some news here! 

    [ AVEXIR é›·é›» RAIDEN SERIES ]   Thank you for Support  AVEXIR !

    ( Acrylic MOBO Plate! )

    ( modifying the PSU support Plate )

  20. Like
    dO_ob reacted in [Japan] Fabio Moma   
    Hi, Fabio
    I like comic books too and good luck on your project character COLOSSUS X
  21. Like
    dO_ob reacted to Fabio Moma in [Japan] Fabio Moma   
    Hello Guys ! My Name is Fabio Moma . I am Brazilian and descendant of Japanese. I live in Japan to 24 years. I love Japan, Brazil and the CaseMod world .   First and an honor to be here representing Japan. And I thank the sponsors who are giving me all the support. thank you.           ( X-Zone CaseMod Community of Japan )       And I thank all who are watching and following my work here in this forum. thank you.   My project theme is based on the comic book heroes. ( X-Men ) but the focus will be more on a character that attracted me a lot and stands out in my project.   The name of my project is   ( COLOSSUS  X ) .                 just wanted to make it clear to all of you, that this project will not have the real face of the character, much less all the power he possesses. hehe ..   will have the characteristic of the history, will have the characteristic of somewhere Place . (will the imagination of each one of you)   I'will be doing better. I hope you all enjoy and enjoy yourselves at all times of every update.     System 
    Case - Thermaltake Core X9 X2
    CPU - Intel Core i7-4770K 
    Graphic Card - ASUS GTX 980 STRIX 4GB DDR5 X2
    SSD - Kingston HyperX 120GB SAVAGE x2
    Power Supply - Thermaltake Toughpower Grand 1200W Platinum
    Fans - Thermaltake Riing Fans 
    Fan Controllor - Tt commander FT
    Fan Hub - Commander FX
    Cooling - All Component water cooling system by Thermaltake LCS.     Thank you
  22. Like
    dO_ob reacted to Suchao Prowphong in [Thailand] Suchao Prowphong   
    Conventional example paper-making.














  23. Like
    dO_ob reacted to Technical in Corev71 Fans   
    Thanks for the help guys, I appreciate it!!
  24. Like
    dO_ob reacted to Tte Martin in [Thailand] Suchao Prowphong   
    Don't worry about the language. Your casemods say more than anything anyone could ever write. I'm excited to see what you come up with!
  25. Like
    dO_ob reacted to Suchao Prowphong in [Thailand] Suchao Prowphong   
    Thank you very much. @ Tte Martin .  

    Very large sizes in 17 KG.

















    Planning from pre-cut in order to reduce the damage.
















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