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Found 9 results

  1. Is there a way to get T1 - T6 to register as F13 - F18 or as generic buttons? I know the keys exist, but they're not on the Challenger Prime. Shift + F1 does NOT register as F13 despite basically every forum saying it does, so I assume I need to use Autohotkey. None of the very few scripts I've found have worked and I know nothing about scripting for the program, so I'm both lost and stuck.
  2. im having some trouble setting up macros in the software for this keyboard, it wont let me set the alt key as a macro, well it will let me set it as a default macro setting up the keys i want them selves (in this case switch from 3-1 really fast for a quick awp switch in csgo) and it will net set them, i know im doing it right because i tried doing the same thing with the e key and it worked, is the alt key just not possible as a macro? cause it was on my old razer keyboard...
  3. Hi! I just bought this mouse, I was making a review on it. I have no problems with the LOD. I know this sensor has high LOD behavior, same thing happen with the Fnatic Flick G1. However, I HAVE A PROBLEM: Macros are NOT WORKING on Profiles 2, 3, 4, 5. At profile 1 I can assign macros on the programable buttons, software shows in the label the macro is set, and is working. On the other profiles, I can't assign macros on the buttons, software doesn't show anything after assign the macro. The software is updated: 2.0009, also the firmware: 1.10. (firmware was updated at the first run of the tteSports Command Center) I test and review the Ventus Z, is working perfect without any issue. I love what you did with the Ventus R, is a great mouse. I hope you can help me to fix this problem, and take advantage of his full potiential. I will fix with a new firmware? Thanks for your support. P.S. I record a video showing the issue:
  4. Hey, I've never used side buttons in my gaming since when I try adjusting a games control settings it would not see the side buttons as mb4/mb5. Last week for some reason it started to work again, but the problem is it also by default works as a back command in browsers. So when I'm in TeamSpeak and want to talk to my friends it goes back to the page before in my browser, I don't want that. But in theron app there is no option to leave the button empty(As mb4) I also can't get macro's to working. I tried this macro: and tried setting it like this: or this: It doesn't work, the buttons does nothing if i don't set it to default.
  5. Hola tengo el teclado y mouse del combo challenger prime rgb, y queria saber si los botones de la izquierda (creo que se llaman macros) se pueden configurar para abrir juegos u otros programas de forma rapida. Gracias
  6. Can someone help me to setup macro for CoD4 over teamwiever Please ?
  7. Just like everyone else on this forum, the software will not install for me! I tried literally everything to try and get the software for the Tt Esports Challenger Prime keyboard to work! I tried every single download 15 times, not one works! I double click the Setup.exe and nothing happens. I'm running Windows 8.1. I can see a lot of other people are also having the same problem with the software for this keyboard. Can you please make it like the Challenger GO's software? Where there is only one executable you have to click and it actually works? I really want to use these Macro and Profile keys but I'm unable to do that without the software. PLEASE HELP!!! Thank you.
  8. Hi all, I just bought my Challenger Prime today. I was so excited to bring it home and try it out. Once i had all the software installed and everything setup, i wanted to assign some macro keys. I started going to the macro settings and clicked the side arrow next to T1. Then, i clicked assign macro and macro manager. When i want to macro manager i clicked new and i couldn't select a T key so i thought the macro select blank space was for a name. I read that you have to enter a name for your macro then hit new. But when i hit new nothing happened... It did stop the typing thing though. So i thought i could start recording. When i clicked start recording it said, "Please select a macro before start record!!" So i tricked clicking on the new macro select i just made but it was still outlined in white and when i pressed it, nothing happened except that it gave me the option to rename the macro (just the blinking thing came back). So i don't know what to do! Help please!!
  9. Hello everybody, I am owning a challenger prime keyboard. With my last keyboard I was able to assign programs or self written scripts to the macro keys. Am I not able to find this option or doesn't this exist? If it doesn't exist, has someone found a workaround maybe with a third party software or something? greetings, Lazy
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