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Everything posted by View71

  1. There is a big problem fitting liquid cooling in this case once the mobo is installed - there is not nuf head room for the radiator! This case is a mid tower and you need a fan cooler to make it work. Be careful what you choose!...
  2. Radiator fans are always exhaust except you wanna oven
  3. It's not the configuration - it's the wrong airflow Just make sure the number of blowers (intake) is the same as the suckers (exhaust) while suckers can be more. Warm air is going up hence suckers in the roof/top.
  4. I never was interested in vertical mount since this position got no active cooling while the slot mount provides air from 2 (intake) bottom fans .
  5. 5C could be better - make sure the airflow is throughout the case hence same number of extractors and intake fans
  6. Wow, whata glitter box and I hope it's not an oven
  7. as long as your CPU temp is well there is no reason to complain - remember less speed/rpm means less noise too
  8. Real Neat built indeed but watch temperatures in summer all depending on where you are located. The air feed for the GPU can be a problem hence I never thought about GPU vertical mount.
  9. You can use an usb2 extension providing 4 more ports - works nicely https://www.nzxt.com/products/internal-usb-hub-3 or https://www.thermaltake.com.au/h200-internal-usb-hub.html
  10. I have nothing more to add - you got answers
  11. If I recall right you have to remove the disk cage if installing inside to make room for a 420 but you can mount from outside (under glass) too - your not living in the Sahara by any chance? I live in a hot place (Australia) and one 360 (top mount) is fully sufficient. The 420 AIO is a "half height" radiator. Just make sure those long rads/fans are air extractors and watch the liquid hose/tube run to fit properly.
  12. Consult your case manual as it will tell what max sizes will fit
  13. just use what fits your purpose and be creative when mounting - those fans are all low speed fans hence no noteworthy torsion force on the screws. Just make sure there is nuf negative pressure in the case to remove the (hot) air b4 you get an hot air oven be well..
  14. Hmm, ya, I see - why not just use small cable ties to fix the fans and you only need 2 ties (diagonal mount) for each fan.
  15. For the time being you can even use double sided stick tape to fix the fans on the case floor you must be living in the wrong country
  16. if you use TT (led) fans rubber footers/mounts are provided hence any fitting wood/machine flat head screw, from your hardware market, will do nicely
  17. Yep, I had the same concern when installing my first TT360 AIO but so far never saw any leakage even after 2 years of operation.
  18. Hi, no I never had a TR system hence I can not assist - all I can do is advise keep a copy of the working TT software and if you set back make sure to delete/check the TT folder shown below: This folder may be still there after uninstall hence can interfere with different software versions. I am not into modding stuff just after the easiest way back
  19. Yes, 10 % more surface but 1 more fan to cool the 360 radiator (under load) hence less spin speed required Frisco is not that hot like here in Brisbane Australia where summer (room) temps can climb to ~40 Celsius (without aircon) hence a 360 (3 fans!) would be fully sufficient for your location radiator fans never to be heard even under load.
  20. I have an TT AIO 360 in the top section but be aware this device is installed inside the case (hanging install) and not on top of the steel frame. Depending on your summer room temperatures the 280 might be nuf even the 2 fan version will be noisier than a 360 AIO. No need to put additional fans on top .. just make sure there is nuf air feed throughout the case
  21. contact a local glass repair business and ask them since you still have a good door hence they can take it as a template. should not be a complicated matter.
  22. Stay with 1.3.6 software and temps are displayed properly
  23. Now we have December 2020 and just lately I try the current software version and same problem! any news? nothing fancy here.. just 1 GPU EDIT: return to v1.3.6 and temperature will show again
  24. its a View or Core 71 case? sounds like missing/wrong wiring or a dud controller I would go with a TT Riing fan set which includes the fitting controller - example here: https://www.thermaltake.com.au/riing-quad-14-rgb-radiator-fan-tt-premium-edition-3-pack-white.html
  25. photo certainly looks like a refurbished/pre used case - not new!
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