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Tt Leo

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Hello, I'm a proud View 71 owner, it's a heavy beast but I like the modular design and the glass

reminds me of my old Kenwood stereo system. I'm looking to buy replacement parts. I'd 

really like to find the front I/o panel, preferably ARGB and or type C ports. I don't 

feel like buying another case, hopefully there will be someone that might be able to help.

Thank you and be well. ;) 


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  • 1 month later...
On 6/22/2020 at 4:03 PM, ImmortalisVir said:

Beautiful case this one! #### heavy tho! 




This is real nice, just what I was looking to see so I could ask this question - How do you mount Three 120mm fans vertically in the area just left of the pump reservoir in these pics? There is certainly no way to screw all 4 corners in for all the fans. I wanted to mount my 3 TT quad 120's right where these in the picture are.

Also - what is originally supposed to fit that area? Radiators and pumps? It's a shame it isn't made to be able to screw all 12 corners into the case...unless i'm missing

something - ties?


Thank you and great job by you all, especially this build. it's really nice.  B)


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  • 1 month later...

Hi guys, 

I checked the forum a few years ago before buying my View 71....but just now created a profile.

After primarily having used standard beige cases (back in the 90's), silent cases (Antec p180 and such), then going full blue (Antec twelve hundred), this case was actually my very first RGB build (in a midlife crisis, some buy a Ferrari, I bought myself a glass case haha....no money for the Ferrari 🙄).

I can remember seeing the first pics of this case and immediately falling in love...what design, and now after years  owning it I still love it just as much, or even more.....some ppl mentioned the downsides....yes, when it comes to cable management on the right side...it's atrocious lol....I have come as far as currently not being able to close the right panel....should spend a day to get that sorted out I'm guessing (RGB controller, PWM controller, lots of cables, SSD,...) but no dust build-up as of yet....I haven't even done the 'peel' for the top panel (as there rests my 4disk external drive bay - don't wanna scratch the glass) nor the right panel (as with the cable management, out of sight, out of mind 😁.

Long story short - I quickly changed the standard (blue) TT fans to Corsair LL fans....3 x 120 in front, 2 x 120 down below and 1 x 140 in the back....as they had an issue, all these have been changed to Corsair QL fans.

The h115i aio has the Corsair ML fans....and there lies my question....I would want to change those for QL fans as well (temps are more than ok, so the lesser pressure of the QL fans would not be an issue) but I would want to make it a push-pull configuration.

As there is no space to lower the aio an additional fan size (25mm) as it would get in the way of the motherboard and memory, I was wondering - has anyone done a push-pull configuration with a top-mounted aio? Did you reverse the top bracket for more space? Or did you mount the 'pull' fans on top of the bracket? That's the thing I am eager to know....Google apparently does not have this specific information.....and I do want to know before spending top dollar for extra QL fans 😀.

The reason I am wondering is because when doing a push-pull with the bracket in between, there is probably going to be much air escaping between the 2-3mm gap of the top bracket.

My temps are fine, and will probably remain fine when going from the aio ML fans (higher static pressure) to the QL fans, but every degree won is a possibility to oc the cpu a little bit more....and as my order for an RTX3080 after 3 months has still no outlook, I need all the frames I can get (*cough* Cyberpunk 2077 and RDR2)






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5 minutes ago, TZB said:

Hi guys, 

I checked the forum a few years ago before buying my View 71....but just now created a profile.

After primarily having used standard beige cases (back in the 90's), silent cases (Antec p180 and such), then going full blue (Antec twelve hundred), this case was actually my very first RGB build (in a midlife crisis, some buy a Ferrari, I bought myself a glass case haha....no money for the Ferrari 🙄).

I can remember seeing the first pics of this case and immediately falling in love...what design, and now after years  owning it I still love it just as much, or even more.....some ppl mentioned the downsides....yes, when it comes to cable management on the right side...it's atrocious lol....I have come as far as currently not being able to close the right panel....should spend a day to get that sorted out I'm guessing (RGB controller, PWM controller, lots of cables, SSD,...) but no dust build-up as of yet....I haven't even done the 'peel' for the top panel (as there rests my 4disk external drive bay - don't wanna scratch the glass) nor the right panel (as with the cable management, out of sight, out of mind 😁.

Long story short - I quickly changed the standard (blue) TT fans to Corsair LL fans....3 x 120 in front, 2 x 120 down below and 1 x 140 in the back....as they had an issue, all these have been changed to Corsair QL fans.

The h115i aio has the Corsair ML fans....and there lies my question....I would want to change those for QL fans as well (temps are more than ok, so the lesser pressure of the QL fans would not be an issue) but I would want to make it a push-pull configuration.

As there is no space to lower the aio an additional fan size (25mm) as it would get in the way of the motherboard and memory, I was wondering - has anyone done a push-pull configuration with a top-mounted aio? Did you reverse the top bracket for more space? Or did you mount the 'pull' fans on top of the bracket? That's the thing I am eager to know....Google apparently does not have this specific information.....and I do want to know before spending top dollar for extra QL fans 😀.

The reason I am wondering is because when doing a push-pull with the bracket in between, there is probably going to be much air escaping between the 2-3mm gap of the top bracket.

My temps are fine, and will probably remain fine when going from the aio ML fans (higher static pressure) to the QL fans, but every degree won is a possibility to oc the cpu a little bit more....and as my order for an RTX3080 after 3 months has still no outlook, I need all the frames I can get (*cough* Cyberpunk 2077 and RDR2)






Yes, I'm probably the only one using the drive bays....but they look good...and they house 14TB....which is not enough for me - total count is 28TB...let's say I love 4K movies and games 😊

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2 hours ago, JaredB said:

Hi All,


Just a quick question, does anyone know where we can source new glass doors from? Had a small accident and unfortunately the main door, view into the mobo, has been shattered. :(

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



contact a local glass repair business and ask them since you still have a good door hence they can take it as a template. should not be a complicated matter.

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On 12/18/2020 at 2:29 PM, View71 said:

contact a local glass repair business and ask them since you still have a good door hence they can take it as a template. should not be a complicated matter.



Thanks for the response. Thats what I was thinking of doing after not having much luck with google searches.



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/7/2018 at 12:02 PM, AlexanderFuSheng said:

I put my 1st computer together. I never did it before and had to watch a video on how to get the GPU out, but I did it and it works.

I could use some advice on an RGB motherboard that has the most headers and room for many plugins. Any advice on that would be great. I will pick up a modular PSU, advice on RGB parts would be great for this 1st build.


Thank you!

You can try the msi mag b550 tomahawk if you're doing an amd build, it has quite a few rgb headers and control through mystic lighting. There's not a lot of rgb on the motherboard itself though. It could also use a couple more usb pluggins, but mine works pretty good as it is.


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Thanks, Griffnol!


I actually went with Gigabyte Z-490 Vision D, with a Gigabyte 1660 super GPU.


I'm starting the water cooling now and I need another PSU;.

It is a little confusing with the PSU's, especially with the iRGB and the GF/PF 1 models.


I want one that works with the RGB plus software but what is confusing me is the fan in each model.

I want at least a 2 riing Duo fan....wish they'd throw a quad in it, with a clear top. that would be pretty cool.

Also moved everything into a Core 5 chassis - wanted the P&. We need to get some parts in!!!!! Also waiting 

on the P32 D-5 pump/reservoir. I did get the MX1 plus water block. Had a problem with mine but it is a great ;looking block.

Hopefully I can get an exchange and finish up soon.


You r computer looks great, thanks again for the help!

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  • 1 month later...
31 minutes ago, robyevolution said:

I saw the manual and 420 radiators are compatible, I wanted to know if it was possible to mount 2 420 radiators at the same time.

If I recall right you have to remove the disk cage if installing inside to make room for a 420 but you can mount from outside (under glass) too - your not living in the Sahara by any chance? I live in a hot place (Australia) and one 360 (top mount) is fully sufficient.

The 420 AIO is a "half height" radiator. Just make sure those long rads/fans are air extractors and watch the liquid hose/tube run to fit properly.


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40 minutes ago, View71 said:

Se ricordo bene, devi rimuovere la gabbia del disco se installi all'interno per fare spazio a un 420 ma puoi anche montarla dall'esterno (sotto vetro) - non vivi nel Sahara per caso? Vivo in un posto caldo (Australia) e un 360 (top mount) è del tutto sufficiente.

Il 420 AIO è un radiatore a "mezza altezza". Assicurati solo che quei lunghi radiatori / ventole siano estrattori d'aria e guarda il tubo / tubo del liquido che si adatta correttamente.


it is not an aio but a custom loop, and each radiator is 64mm thick, at the top I'm sure it fits, I wanted to know if it would be possible to mount both 420 radiators with 64mm thickness by removing the HDD cage.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Is there anyone here with a snow edition that isn't using one or both of their HDD cages? I would be interested in buying one or two shipped to 30005.

I hope this post is OK here, didn't see anything in the rules that says otherwise but sorry if I overlooked it!

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On 5/27/2021 at 11:39 PM, MUnitoon said:

Is there anyone here with a snow edition that isn't using one or both of their HDD cages? I would be interested in buying one or two shipped to 30005.

I hope this post is OK here, didn't see anything in the rules that says otherwise but sorry if I overlooked it!

In the meantime, here's the build - older hardware but still gets the job done, just wanted a little face lift.




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18 minutes ago, MUnitoon said:

n the meantime, here's the build - older hardware but still gets the job done, just wanted a little face lift.

Real Neat built indeed but watch temperatures in summer all depending on where you are located. The air feed for the GPU can be  a problem hence I never thought about GPU vertical mount.

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53 minutes ago, View71 said:

Real Neat built indeed but watch temperatures in summer all depending on where you are located. The air feed for the GPU can be  a problem hence I never thought about GPU vertical mount.

Thanks for the suggestion - this is my mom's pc and I'll definitely do some testing before I give it back to her.

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  • 6 months later...

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